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Seminar - Land-atmosphere interactions and their effect on Australian rainfall - Chiara Holgate
PhD thesis defence Anthony Schrapffer: High resolution land atmosphere interaction over the Pantanal
Science webinar - From global mean sea level changes to land-atmosphere interactions
Lecture 1 | Introduction: The Land–Atmosphere Interface
Past rainfall changes over Australia and implications for agriculture
2004: Advancing Coupled Land-Atmosphere Prediction
Data Analysis and Modeling of Land-Atmosphere Interactions
Dr. Patricia Lawston Parker | Modeling and Monitoring of Irrigation for Land-Atmosphere Interactions
Francina Dominguez: Recycling of Moisture in the Amazonian Basin
Fred Otu-Larbi (Lancaster University): Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions in a Changing Climate
Where’s the Water? A National Perspective (Webinar)
Australian Drought and Rural Debt Solutions - Prof. John Cole